Care Ministry is a Catholic ministry formation program, sponsored by the Diocese of Green Bay designed to expand the pastoral care dimension offered by the church. Care Ministers actively bring the love of God into people’s lives by providing a sacred listening presence in a confidential setting. This kind of support does not replace nor simulate professional mental health counseling or medical advice. There is no charge for this ministry. It is funded in part through the Bishop’s Appeal. In an effort to address the needs of ANY suffering or alienated members of our parish family, the Care Ministry program offers pastoral support to ALL members of our parish family who are isolated, facing a time of crisis, trauma, or personal loss. Care Ministers meet individuals at home, long term care facilities, and hospitals.
Care Ministers are required to attend a training session sponsored in part through the Diocese of Green Bay. Care Ministers must complete a background check and VIRTUS training for volunteers on sexual misconduct and safe environment as required by the Diocese of Green Bay.
Each Care Minister is carefully matched to a Care Receiver including “interviews” and in-person introductions facilitated by the Coordinator prior to beginning any visits. A definitive schedule of visits is also established at the beginning—one that accommodates the needs of the Care Receiver while respecting other commitments of the volunteer Care Minister—all to ensure a fruitful experience for both parties and not to exceed more than one hour per week.
If you or someone you know might benefit from receiving this kind of pastoral support, please contact Leah Ackley at the parish center at (920) 788-7640. As we build upon our existing team of dedicated Care Ministers, we will humbly do our best to accommodate you.
If You Are Admitted to a care facility...
When a person is admitted to a hospital or other facility such as for temporary rehab at a nursing home, you are asked to verify your parish and if the facility has permission to release information regarding your admission. It is critical that permission is given to the facility. Without your permission, Holy Spirit will not be notified and our visiting Care Ministers cannot access this information and visit you.
In emergency situations, this step might be omitted, so please inform the parish if you would like visits. If there is a transfer to another health facility, please let us know. Due to confidentiality laws, hospitals will not give us this information.