God is Deeply in Love with Us!
“He was not the light, but came to testify to the light.” – John 1:8
On this third Sunday in Advent, also called Gaudete (rejoice) Sunday, we read again in John’s gospel about John the Baptist. The Baptist is the familiar voice in the desert, the herald of the Good News, telling us that the Messiah is here, Jesus has come; Salvation is at hand and we must make the way straight for the Lord. There is good reason for rejoicing, in our hearts and in our homes, as we get nearer the celebration of Jesus’ birth, God’s incarnation.
Have you ever thought of yourself as John the Baptist? Stop and think about that for a minute because I think we all are John the Baptist—we are not the Light, but we are supposed to testify, point to, the Light.
As we journey through Advent, let’s rejoice in the hope that is Jesus. Let’s ask for the grace to be like John the Baptist, unafraid to testify to the light by sharing God’s great love with all those we encounter.
Come Lord Jesus, come.
©Mary V. Pribbenow