God is Deeply in Love with Us!
It is an incredible challenge to live in imitation of the life of Christ. We all face obstacles, opportunities, and challenges, living in a fast-paced environment with many responsibilities. However, a clear sense of purpose, nourished by the Eucharist and our rich Catholic tradition, opens the door for us to actively commit to a life of gratitude and responsibility; to thank God for His endless gifts, and then to decide what we can do to help the world. The rewards include:
It is not simply making donations or taking care of the building & grounds. It is spirituality, a way of life made of four parts:
Think in broader terms, not simply the material goods or security you may enjoy. These are gifts too:
Catholic stewards take care of the world around us, including embracing the social teaching of the Church.
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's Grace in its various forms." 1 Peter4:10